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Movie review: Ip Man
South China Morning Post Dec 11, 2008
The scenario plays fast and loose with the facts, as is customary with screen biographies. Ip’s infant son, Ip Chun (whose real-life counterpart served as the movie’s adviser) does not age between 1935 and 1940 and remains a cutesy presence throughout. And there’s no mention of younger brother Ip Ching, born in 1936, who grew up to found his own martial arts association. Ip’s wife (Lynn Xiong) is beautiful but one-dimensional in her role of supportive spouse.
Matters shift into ultra-serious and sentimental mode after the Japanese invasion. For all its lip service to the horrors of war, the film shows little feel or understanding of the era. Forced to move from his mansion to a storeroom, Ip nonetheless lives in immaculate surroundings, the hovel’s courtyard even enjoying such amenities as electric illumination.
More egregious is the pandering portrayal of the Japanese and the whitewashing of Chinese complicity. No one will contest the horrible atrocities inflicted by the imperial army, but the obviousness of the sadistic officers, including kungfu ace General Miura (Hiroyuki Ikeuchi), is more cartoonish than credible.
On the other hand, quislings and criminals such as cop-turned-interpreter Li or ruffian-turnedbandit Kam, men who terrorise the local populace, are all but absolved of moral responsibility. Nor does Ip raise questions on how good friend and commercial partner Chow Ching-chuen (Simon Yam) manages to keep his factory so well supplied during the occupation.
The finale goes a step further by elevating Ip to messiah-like status. After nobly refusing to eat a “collaborationist” meal prior to a crucial bout with Miura, he not only wins but survives multiple gunshot wounds when the Japanese prove to be not just bad people but bad sports.
昨晚在影院看到海报还在问peggy为什么《叶问》的英文名是《Ip Man》,让人容易认为他是搞IT行业的。刚才查了一下意思,才恍然大悟:
对熟悉粤语的朋友来说,“IP MAN”就比较容易理解,“IP”就是“叶”(yip)字的粤语读音,“MAN”不用说了,“问”字的粤语读音,近似普通话“慢”字的读音。